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I need readers!

We absolutely love to read and give feedback on each others work. That's a huge part of what we do.


However, it's good to keep in mind that The Fellowship is not (at least currently) an editing service.


We're all doing this for fun to help each other out.

Please keep in mind that we are a busy bunch of people with obligations outside of our writing.


If you are looking for extensive feedback on a very large project, it's probably a good idea to come to a few meetings and find one of our members who has an interest in the kind of writing you do. Then you can approach that member and ask if they'd be willing to Beta Read for you.


Chances are, you'll find someone as passionate about your project as you are, who will give you honest feedback.


But remember, it's a two-way street!


We also have a number of members who have worked with professional editors and can give you tips, tricks and contacts to find editors for extensive and in-depth feedback on big projects.


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